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Rev. Dr. Tish Green

Lead Pastor of First United Methodist Church - Festus/Crystal City

  • Friend Pastor Tish!

​Pastor Tish is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church. She earned her Doctor of Ministry from Duke University in 2024, her Master of Divinity from Eden Theological Seminary in 2016, and holds a Bachelor of Music Education from Southeast Missouri State University. Pastor Tish was appointed to First UMC in 2017 from The Connection, a United Methodist Church that she started in South St. Louis City in 2008. She excels at inviting people into relationship with God through Jesus Christ, creating opportunities for people to experience God in their daily lives, and empowering the church for ministry in the world.


Pastor Tish is a graduate of Festus High School (you may remember her as Tish Laiben) and is married to James Green, a Herculaneum graduate. Their son, Levi, attends Festus Schools, is active with our Youth Group and can often be spotted playing drums for Sunday services.


Pastor Tish is making the most of this opportunity to be in ministry in her hometown with a church of such history and high standing in the community. She and her family are enjoy connecting with the congregation and community.

Rev. Jeff Carr

Pastor of Congregational Care

​Pastor Jeff is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and has joined our staff as Pastor of Congregational Care. He will lead in visitations and pastoral care. Stay posted for Pastor Jeff's bio.

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Paige Laiben

Praise Worship Leader

Sundays 9:15am

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Alex Kester

New Worship Leader

Sundays 11am


Mark Trautwein


Saturdays 5pm

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Julie Holland

Family Ministries


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Jeannie Thornborrow

Nursery Lead

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Zane Moore

AV Tech

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Deborah Cambron

Office Manager

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Tom Wells



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Allaster Adams



Pastor Tish

2020 Virtual Career Day Video

for Festus Intermediate School

Join us for Worship!

Praise Service - Sundays 9:15am

New Worship - Sundays 11:00am

Traditional Worship - Saturdays 5pm


113 Grand Avenue

Festus, Missouri 63028

636-937-6205   Rev. Dr. Tish Green


113 Grand Avenue, Festus, Missouri 63028

636.937.6205  ~  Rev. Dr. Tish Green

Traditional Worship Saturdays 5pm

Praise Service Sunday 9:15am

New Worship Sunday 11am

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